Daytona Bike was colder than I have ever remembered for Bike Week. I had a full schedule planned. Several book signings were on the agenda, starting in Eustis at the Antique Motorcycle Club meet, where I was signing at the National Motorcycle Museum booth. It was cold and rainy there... but I sold some books and enjoyed hanging out with Mark Mederski, from the museum and John Parham, who owns the museum. Both of these guys were helpful when I was doing research for the book.
My husband Pat was along to help and even found some parts for my cannonball bike.
Daytona was super busy all week. I had plans to be interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning for a segment on women motorcyclists. They were great and interviewed a few friends such as Karen Davidson, Gloria Traminton Struck and Kathy, from ROAR Motorcycles for women. The interview went well...
I had signings set up with Athena Ransom, from Vagabond Choppers, a great female mechanic and a good friend. She has a trailer set up for doing bike events this year on her, "Chicks Rule, Boys Drool Tour". Great lady and a talented bike builder.
I also did a signing at the JP Cycles store at Destination Daytona. (Thanks again to John Parham, who owns the place and his wife Jill... two great people!) While at the shop, the CBS crew came in and I did my interview with Rita Braver.
I love going to Bike events cause I get to see old friend and make some new ones too. This one was even more special because my husband was there with me. Our daughter Lindsey also flew down from NYC, where she is going to school. She's getting into bikes, pretty fun for me.
I am so thankful that people seem to really love my book. I am so proud these pioneering women and happy to share their stories with the world.