Things have been crazy for me with this book! And in a good way!
I hit the ground running since it came out in early July and have been traveling quite a bit the past 4 months. I did a 3 day speaking seminar for the American Motorcycle Association's Vintage Motorcycle days in Ohio in Mid -July that went really well. My daughter Lindsey flew in from San Francisco to help me with my Power Point. Not sure WHY I was so nervous about it at first. It WAS my first time using it, now I'm pretty good at it. I also sat in Larry Kleins GTE Motors Book booth and signed books for hours. Had a great time chatting with all the antique motorcycle lovers too. So much talking that I lost my voice and Lindsey had to pinch hit for me and give my presentation the last day! I was so proud of her. She did great and came home loving the old bikes more than she thought she could! Photo above is me with Don Emde, Big Sid and his son.
From Ohio, I flew in Chicago and drove up to Osh Kosh, WI to meet up with my husband Pat and his band, the Doobie Brothers, who were ( and still are touring). A few shows and a few hundred miles later, we ended up back in Ohio where they played and I did at book signing at A.D. Farrow's Harley-Davidson in Columbus. Pat and I ( ad our son Pat Jr, who was opening some of the Doobies shows) all went to the local radio station and did an interview. Pretty fun for us! Back to the shop to sign books with Jane Farrow, who's father and mother started the shop back in the early 1920's. She was fun to be with and I think she enjoyed signing the books too. ( She's on page 130)
We went right from the road to Sturgis where Pat and I celebrated the 20th Anniversary of when we met there at the rally in 1989! We stopped off to do a radio interview on our way in from the airport. South Dakota Public Radio, nice people! We stayed at a friends place in Spearfish and catch up on our sleep and laundry... I had 2 book signings, one at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and one at JP Cycles. Both went really well and I had two women from the book come and sign with me; Cookie Crum ( page 215) and Gloria Tramontin Struck, (page 230). Cookie was being inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame and is a wonderful sweet lady in her mid 70's. 84 year old Gloria rode in from New Jersey on her Heritage, 650 miles per day! That's hardcore for any age! Her riding partner, daughter Lori is also a great person and I feel so lucky to have made such good friends with these women! I love them all! Gloria and Lori came to the Buffalo Chip for the Pink N Proud Ride for Breast Cancer reception that Pat and I were appearing at. I got to say a few words and brought Gloria up to talk too. She is so funny and everyone loves her!
Pat and I had a great time reminiscing about when we met and even went to Rapid City to the Alex Johnson Hotel where we first set eyes on each other. Very nice!
I got to go home for a week after Sturgis before heading out to Keystone, Colorado for the AMA Women and Motorcycling Conference that was held August 19th-23rd. More on that next time!